Instructions: Comment utiliser AcnEase®

AcnEase® est un traitement de Therapeutic® botanique trés efficace qui traite l'acné existante et empêche de nouveaux boutons ou kystes de se former. En plus de suivre les instructions recommendée, les ingrédients de AcnEase rendront votre peau plus nette et plus saine avec moins de point noirs, de points blancs et de rougeurs.

Instructions: Comment utiliser AcnEase

Comment ça marche?

AcnEase® agit sur le rétablissement de l'équilibre interne naturel qui est perturbé par les changements endocriniens, les facteurs environnementaux, certains médicaments, le stress et l'alimentation. L'acné est considérée comme une manifestation externe d'un trouble interne.

AcnEase® est unique en ce qu'il ne se contente pas de traiter les symptômes externes de l’acné (boutons, kystes, rougeurs...), mais il s'attaque aussi aux causes sous-jacentes de l'acné et d'autres problèmes de peau tels que la rosacée.

Qui peut bénéficier de AcnEase®?


Hommes et femmes ayant:

  • Acné d'adolescent
  • Acné de pré-adolescent
  • Acné hormonale
  • Acné de la ménopause (femmes)
  • Acné chronique
  • Acné aggravée par la nourriture épicée et grasse, le tabagisme, le stress, la consommation d'alcool ou d'autres médicaments
  • Acné du visage et du corps
  • Acné kystique


  • Hommes et femmes ayant les symptômes de la rosacée (rougeurs, symptômes oculaires)

Principaux avantages

  • Testé cliniquement pour sa sécurité et son efficacité
  • Jusqu'à 96% efficace
  • Recette 100% botanique protégée par le secret commercial
  • Brise le cycle de l'acné
  • Les résultats peuvent être vus dans les 7-10 jours
  • Herbes de la plus haute qualité
  • Pour tous les âges, les tons, types et teints de peau
  • Pas d'effets secondaires connus
  • Pas de gluten, sans sucre, sans phytoestrogènes, aucun produits chimiques
  • Ne dessèche pas ou n'irrite pas la peau
  • Pas de restrictions d'exposition au soleil


  • L'acné sera considérablement diminuée ou disparaîtra après qu'uncycle complet de traitement soit terminé (1 mois minimum).
  • L'utilisation d'une dose de maintenance limite la réapparition de l'acné.
  • Les kystes et pustules vont guérir; les cicatrices d'acné et les marques se fanent.
  • Le nombre de points noirs et têtes blanches diminuera considérablement.
  • Les symptômes de la rosacée s’atténueront et pour certaines personnes disparaîtront complètement.

Les bénéfices supplémentaires offerts par l'utilisation régulière de AcnEase® sont:


S'il vous plaît utiliser AcnEase® comme indiqué et cela pendant au moins au mois comme recommandée

Veuillez prendre ces facteurs en considération pour la commande.


Acné Légère (adolescents femmes) 1 mois de traitement 3 bouteilles Acné Légère (homme),
Acne moderée (adolescent et adultes) et Rosacée 1 mois de traitement 5 bouteilles
Acné sévère (adolescents et adultes) 1 mois de traitement 7 bouteilles Acné Légère et moderéee du corps 6 semaines de traitement 8 bouteilles Acné sévère du corps 6 semaines de traitement 10 bouteilles

Inférieur à 80 kilos

8 comprimés/jour

4 comprimés 2x/jour

12 comprimés/jour

4 comprimés 3x/jour

18 comprimés/jour

6 comprimés 3x/jour

12 comprimés/jour

4 comprimés 3x/jour

18 comprimés/jour

6 comprimés 3x/jour

Supérieur à 80 kilos

8 comprimés/jour

4 comprimés 2x/jour

12 comprimés/jour

4 comprimés 3x/jour

18 comprimés/jour

6 comprimés 3x/jour

18 comprimés/jour

6 comprimés 3x/jour

18 comprimés/jour

6 comprimés 3x/jour

Si vous avez des questions, contactez nous sur Facebook (AcnEaseFrance), Twitter (AcnEaseFrance) ou envoyez nous un email a

Les informations fournis par Herborium Inc. à propos de conditions médicales, symptômes, et produits relatifs n'ont pas pour but de se substituer aux conseils professionnels médicaux. AcnEase n'a pas été évaluées par la FDA et n'a pas pour intention de diagnostiquer, guérir, traiter ou prévenir les maladies.

Can I Take AcnEase® while on a Prescription Medicine?

We get this question alot, 'Can I safely (and effectively) take AcnEase® while taking a prescription medicine?' Whether your other prescription medicine is for acne or something else, we have all the answers you'll need (and if you don't see your prescription medicine listed below, please reach out to us and we will get you the answers you need).

Can I take AcnEase® while on...

...Accutane  (Isotretinoin)?  

Accutane is presently a subject of a class action suit due to the severe side effects and has been taken off the market. Generic forms of Accutane are still on the market and prescribed. If you decide to stay on the generic Accutane (Isotretinoin), know that it carries the same adverse effects as Accutane. In addition, according to American law, you lose your right to be compensated for any damages caused by the drug if you use the generic form of it.

There is no counter indication to using AcnEase® and Isotretinoin together; however, we don't recommend using them together since we are very concerned about Accutane and generic isotretinoin products adverse effects and do not want to be associated with them.  Additionally, we don't know if taking them together would make AcnEase® less efficient because of those adverse effects. Ultimately, we do not want our product to be associated in any way with Accutane and Isotretinoin.

...oral antibiotics?

The best approach is to complete your antibiotic treatment before you start AcnEase®. There is NO adverse interaction between AcnEase® and antibiotics, but since antibiotics have a number of adverse effects like increasing sun sensitivity, possible GI (stomach and intestines) issues, allergic reactions, and of course with a long-term use, the possibility of developing resistance to them, we do not want to be associated with those side effects. In addition antibiotics are metabolized  by the liver and this may reduce the efficacy of AcnEase®  if  you use antibiotics long term (over 6 months). If you are to use oral antibiotics for a short term (1-2 weeks) or are weaning yourself off them to start AcnEase, you may use the product together for those last two weeks. AcnEase® has NO known side effects or counter indications. If you have to take antibiotics for a longer period of time for reasons other than acne, you may opt to use AcnEase® anyway. Please advise a physician before taking AcnEase® with antibiotics and  observe all the precautions and counter indications associated with antibiotics such as sun restrictions and special diet.

...topical antibiotics?

You may use both. In time, AcnEase® should provide satisfactory improvement without any additional prescription products.  Be aware however that topical antibiotics may cause a host of side effects including highly increased sensitivity to sun, so you must be alerted to that and follow necessary precautions.  

...oral contraceptives (OCs)?

Yes, you can take AcnEase® while taking birth control pills. AcnEase® does not directly impact circulating hormone levels in the blood and will not affect the hormones from your oral contraceptive (OC). However, if the ONLY reason why you are taking OCs is to control acne, think twice and familiarize yourself with the potential side effects of OCs including blood clots, more severe acne, weight gain, GI issues, tenderness of the breasts, etc.  The ingredients in AcnEase® have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects in addition to reducing sebaceous gland secretions. This combination of effects is responsible for the ability of AcnEase® to prevent new pimples from forming and treating existing acne.  


Spirinolactone (Aldactone) is administered to women with "androgen" induced acne.  Spirinolactone has a dual effect: it inhibits the release of testosterone from the adrenal glands and also has an "anti-androgen" effect. AcnEase works to reduce sebaceous gland secretions, which in a way is complimentary to the effects of Aldactone, IF prescribing Spironolactone has been deemed medically safe and beneficial. We have had women with androgen-induced acne switch to AcnEase® only to successfully treat their acne, as well as those that have used it in combination with Spironolactone without any adverse side effects resulting from the combination of both. However, Spironolactone has some warnings and side effects you need to look at to make an educated decision onwhich option you are to chose.   

...antidepressant medications such as Paxil?

Yes, you can use Paxil (paroxetine), which belongs to a class of drugs called SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and AcnEase together.  Paxil increases serotonin levels in the brain.  It is a psychotropic drug used for depression, mood swings, bi-polar disorder,  etc. As AcnEase® will not prevent Paxil and similar medications from working, please note that studies have shown that antidepressants like Paxil may increase the risk compared to placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults.

...drugs used to treat hyperglycemia such as Metformin?

There are no contraindications for drugs used to treat hyperglycemia, such as metformin or other oral hypoglycemic agents. The ingredients in AcnEase® will neither impact blood glucose levels nor interfere with any medicines used for diabetes.

...drugs used to treat hypothyroidism such as Synthroid?

There is no interaction between AcnEase® and Synthroid or any other thyroid drugs used to treat hypothyroidism. You can take both medicines at the same time.

...blood pressure medication?

Yes, you may take any blood pressure controlling medication and AcnEase® together without any interaction.

...cholesterol medication?

Yes, you may take these medications with AcnEase® without any interaction.

... inflammatory disease drugs such as Humira and Remicade?

The ingredients in AcnEase® will not interfere with these drugs; the only issue you need to consider is whether your GI system will tolerate the ingredients in AcnEase®. By this we mean that there are some people with food allergies that can develop mild diarrhea when taking AcnEase®. The ingredient most often associated with allergies is the dandelion extract. There is no data that the remaining ingredients are associated with allergic reactions. In addition, AcnEase® does not contain any soy-based products, GMOs and is gluten free.